Friday, September 19, 2008

Week 4 Jorunal 2

  • Years since I was born : 32
  • Years since I was able to grow facial hair : 14
  • Months since I actually tried to grow facial hair : 4
  • Weeks it took my wife to notice I was trying to grow facial hair: 1 ½

  • Average fluid ounces of pop I drink in a given 24 hour period: 78

  • Chances that I will have to help with a computer problem at work in a given week: 100%
  • Chances that my mother or aunts will call me with a computer problem in a given week: 75%

  • Number of computer programming languages I know: 12
  • Number of human languages I know: 1

  • Number of people in the world I would trust with my life: 4
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