Saturday, November 1, 2008

Week 10 Journal 2 : Room 101: Acrophobia

“Let’s stay in tonight and watch a movie,” Alice said as she showly unbuttoned her sweater, revealing a black silk camisole underneath. Tonight was going to be the night!

She nuzzled into my side as I sat; the warmth of her breath on my neck. She slowly flipped the channel, finally stopping on one of those Lifetime channels… I would have complained any other night.

A man and a woman walked arm in arm through a lobby, both giggling with the intoxication of each other’s company… and the drinks from the hotel bar they had just left behind.

“Your room or mine?” the woman said, as Alice unbuttoned a few buttons on my shirt.

“Mine’s the Penthouse,” he answered, nibbling at the woman’s ear.

“Sounds good to me,” the woman replied, fumbling through the alcoholic haze to find the elevator control. The elevator bell rang obediently, and the doors slid open silently to reveal the elevator car.

The glass-walled elevator car.

My heart had already quickened from Alice’s proximity, but now the beats shifted again. The couple stumbled into the elevator, and the man reached over to press “75” key, the top floor. The woman leaned back against the glass wall of the elevator, as the doors slid shut; a prison cell door slamming home in my mind.

I could feel the blood draining from my face as the elevator rocketed into the sky. The man stepped over to the woman in the elevator, pressing her up against the glass wall. She lifted her feet off the floor; wrapping them around his waist as he pulled open her blouse.

Alice slid her hand inside my open shirt to stroke my chest, unaware of the personal hell playing out in front of us. As the couple on the television disrobed, the elevator continued to climb with my blood pressure.

“Don’t get too excited now,” Alice said, noticing how hard my heart was beating. She took her eyes off the screen to look at me. “Paul, are you okay, you’re white as a ghost!”

Then, the man reached behind him to pull the elevator stop control. With a gut-wrenching thud, the elevator lurched to a stop; bouncing like a ragdoll on its cables.

The room spun. Everything went white. I was falling.

The next thing I remember, I was lying on the couch with a wet washcloth on my forehead. Alice looked down at me as if I was about to die.

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