Monday, November 17, 2008

Week 11 Journal 2 : Seven things I know about Alan Davis.

Caught Cheating

During eighth grade, Many, many students were stuffing the ballot box for the homecoming king and queen. Alan was the only student caught doing it. He was made to stand up in front of the entire student body, take responsibility for his cheating, and as a result, the election was invalidated and there would be no King or Queen that year.


Alan’s mother was always very thrifty; saving anything that could be reused, fixing clothes and toys that were not beyond repair, looking for bargains, and buying things on sale years before they would ever be needed. This was mostly out of necessity, as his family did not have much money growing up. Even after the kids were all grown and gone, Alan’s mother continued storing things in her basement for posterity, and for eventual grandchildren. Alan’s father hates having to store "all this junk".

Perfect Pitch

Alan has perfect pitch; he can tell you specifically which musical note he hears at any time. He can even tell you which musical chord is being played.

Surprise Gender

Alan’s parents had been told he was a girl in the womb. They were quite surprised when he was otherwise-equipped when he arrived. His name was supposed to be Amy.

Pent up Emotion

Alan has a very high tolerance for controlling his emotions, but if he does reach his breaking point, he becomes almost maniacal in his rage, suicidal in despair, giddy with happiness, etc.


"Do not call me Al."


Beer and wine both give Alan horrible headaches. His drink of choice is vodka or rum mixed with fruit juice.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Well done, again. It's good for us to know things about our characters even if that doesn't find any way into the story. The details of his birth was good side-story.